1. This doesn’t really show a lot of photos of a before to show us you were
    really over weight. You weren’t big to begin with so its a down for me. I
    want to see a super dramatic change. Nice photos though.

  2. Like many women, I have been dieting but I h ave found$ that my current
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  3. I have been able to lose weight steadily for the past one month all because
    of ExprezSliminizer. Check it out on Google yourself.

  4. very inspirational. I am 35 lbs overwieght after having 3 kids, and I have
    hit a plateu every time I start. I am currently the size you were before,
    and I use to be the size you are now. I am currently (sorta) working on it
    now. Hopefully, several months from now I can share my journey as well. :)

  5. You were not fat. You just lost some weight and toned up. You looked good
    before and after. I wish I could look like your before pics.lol

  6. I don’t see a difference between her heaviest to thinnest. To me this is
    not weight loss motivation

  7. Thats amazing, whats interesting is your weight changes made you look like
    different versions of your self. Im so skinny I need to GAIN weight. :-(

  8. There is no way for losing fat without risk with out work­ out properly and
    handle the food intake. Pi­lls & dru­gs will co­me with dangerous negative

  9. Thank you so much for posting this finally someone relates! Being my age
    and before ive been thick bonned. I dont like it all that much hopefully i
    can lise it before the summer and keep it steady

  10. You have such a pretty skin tone. I don’t consider you even that overweight
    in the before! You just looked a little fuller but after the weightloss you
    were definitely more glamorous looking (I have to be honest). 

  11. I liked your video so much out of all the videos that I’ve been watching on
    weight loss motivation yours captured my attention the most out of a lot of
    them you’re on my top 5 list. Your genuine honest and direct about the fact
    that you wanted to be happy healthy and wanted to look good because let’s
    be honest we all want to look good not for vanity sake before self esteem
    sake. And some people get that confused with looking good with vanity. But
    you explained it just perfectly of wanting to be healthy finding a good
    weight for yourself and maintaining that weight and not just a bunch of
    crash dieting which is not healthy. And also having to encourage other
    people to do the same of being determined in finding something that you
    want so badly that you’re going to work hard for it just like you did with
    your modeling and other activities. Finding motivation with the things that
    you want to attain.

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