1. This music video was awesome, those dancing parts in front of the
    chandelier looked amazing. Also the film sequence fit the music video
    pretty well, maybe I’m even going to watch this movie. However, good
    job! 🙂
    And I’m trying to make short films myself, would be nice to get a chance,
    thank you for reading! :)

  2. I’m having a hard time getting to like her again. After what she rumoredly
    did to Ed.

  3. Such a beautiful song! Ellie can perfectly express herself through songs
    and this is what music is for. Amazing. She was also one of the people to
    inspire me to make videos so give my videos a chance too ;)

  4. The winner of yesterday’s poll was Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding.
    So… Ta Da!
    ~Broken Dreamer

  5. I can definitely listen to this song over and over! love ellie goulding 🙂
    if you’re reading this i hope you have an amazing day. stay awesome!!

  6. BUONGIORNO …..che sia un dolce risveglio per tutti ….vi auguro una
    splendida domenica ….baci a presto. …..

  7. That is very amazing song But it’s not deserve to be in the the wordlest
    worst movie(Fifty Shades of Grey) That’s really Horrible…!!!

  8. Ти си светлината, ти си нощта.
    Ти си цветът на кръвта ми.
    Ти си лекът, ти си болката.
    Ти си единственото нещо, което желая да докосвам.
    Никога не съм знаела, че може да означава толкова много…

    Ти си чувството, не ме е грижа,
    защото никога не съм била толкова извисена.
    Следвай ме в тъмнината,
    позволи ми да те отведа отвъд сателитите.
    Можеш да видиш светът, който ти съживи.

    За това ме обичай както ме обичаш. Обичай ме както ме обичаш.
    Обичай ме както ме обичаш. Обичай ме както ме обичаш.
    Докосвай ме както ме докосваш. Докосвай ме както ме докосваш.
    Какво чакаш?

    Изяснява се, избледнява…
    На ръба на Рая.
    Всеки милиметър от кожата ти е ценност, която трябва да открия.
    Само ти можеш да разпалиш сърцето ми.
    Да, ще те оставя да определиш скоростта,
    защото не мисля трезво.
    Главата ми е замаяна, вече не виждам ясно.
    Какво чакаш?

    Обичай ме както ме обичаш. Обичай ме както ме обичаш.
    Обичай ме както ме обичаш. Обичай ме както ме обичаш.
    Докосвай ме както ме докосваш. Докосвай ме както ме докосваш.
    Какво чакаш?

  9. The ones who are saying the movie sucks,its just cuz they think
    materialistic,not with their heart,call me oldfashioned but i saw that they
    have true love,it’s tough cuz its all new to Grey.However,he’s getting used
    to it,but fights his nightmares and demons in the proccess.The song fits so
    well with the movie that its brilliant

  10. *Have you seen the movie?Did you like it?**Do you wanna see something
    *Go and watch* +Joanna and Alexandra’s *videos!* *You are gonna be blown
    away by their talent!* *They sing,dance and play more than 15 musical
    instruments!* *Seriously YOU HAVE TO WATCH.* *MINDBLOWING!* #wow

  11. actually ppl they do creating problem themselves why have you undersatand
    what is life for none of us doesn’t know what is life mean therefore w
    need enjoyed vryday no guarantee when our life ended its all god created
    and respect 

  12. เรื่องการปล่อยให้มีการโฆษณาทางสื่อ อินเตอร์เน็ต
    เป็นการรบกวนผู้ใช้บริการ.อย่างเกินขอบเขต.อุส่าต์. หนี
    โฆษณาทีวี.หันมาดูสือทางนี้ ยังตามมาอีก.
    .ไม่หน้าให้มีการโฆษณาตามสือเหล่านี้เลย เบื่อมากๆ เราจงมาช่วยกัน
    อย่าซื้อสินค้าพวกนี้ . เมื่อไรจะมีการควบคุม การโฆษณาตามสือต่างๆเสียที.
    ถือว่าเป็นการรบกวน.ผู้บริโภค สื่อทางเลือก.
    เพราะเราเสียเงินใช้บริการรายเดือน จากบริษัทต่างๆที่ให้บริการกับลูกค้า
    ไม่ใช่ใช้ฟรี. รำครานมากๆ เราขอใช้สิทธิ์ ร้องเรียน หน่วยงานที่ รับผิชอบ
    ออกมาทำงานหน่อย.จะขอขอบพระคุณ ล่วงหน้านะขอครับ.
    ท่านที่เห็นด้วยกับข้อความนี้.ช่วยกันแชร์ต่อๆกันนะครับ แย่มากจริงๆ

  13. How come people get so many likes just by saying “thumbs up if your
    watching in 2015”?! Okay let me try “thumbs if your watching in 2015

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