1. Actually gravity is a theory, some people don’t believe in it because
    Einstein made a theory which is kinda like gravity but it changes the look
    of how planets orbit around the sun and how us stick to the ground. I cant
    really explain it since I don’t know much about it but it has something to
    do with like the fabric of the cosmos. Please don’t hate this comment i am
    just giving information out which could turn out very interesting to some
    of you and btw both gravity and the fabric of the cosmos are theories so
    don’t say that I said that either gravity or the fabric of the cosmos don’t
    exist, they are theories
    ~Thanks For Reading – The More You Know

  2. “It is said that men may not be the dreams of the Gods, but rather that the
    Gods are the dreams of men.”
    -Carl Sagan
    Now here’s a lesson to everyone just because a famous scientist or
    historical figure believed or did not believe in some religion proves
    absolutely nothing the only way to prove religion is through evidence plain
    and simple and a quote is not evidence.

  3. That is NOT Bill Nye and I’m like 80% sure that’s not really Isaac Newton

  4. To anyone whom states “God hates gays” please shut the FUCK up, in case you
    ignorant fuck tards never bothered to pick up a fuckn Bible and read it for
    five minutes you’d realize that it states The abolition of God loves
    every-one equally regardless of race, religion, and/or sexuality. The only
    thing God is potentially possible of hating (according to the Bible/Quran)
    is sin itself. Not the person committing the sin, oh and btw the bible also
    states that all sin is EQUAL in the eyes of the Lord so your lie is and
    shall receive the same punishment as a murders.

  5. Isaac Newton was NOT a Christian. Do you know how anybody logical could
    conclude this? NOT believing back then was punishable by DEATH. Leonardo Da
    Vinci was also a “Christian” publicly, but there is NO way in hell ANYBODY
    that has the critical thinking abilities NECESSARY to achieve what they did
    intellectually could EVER believe in that bullshit.

  6. I am a Christian, but I absolutely respect anyone’s religion, whether it be
    Aetheism, Judaism, Hindu, or what ever, but why can’t other people on this
    godawful place called the internet respect my religion

  7. As far as these God debates, atheists have as much a right to practice
    their religion as anyone else. I think that it’s far easier to get closer
    to God coming from a loving place, and that’s what I’ve been trying to do
    recently, even with the atheist dogma.

  8. literally says god one time… and top three comments are religion wars,
    what the fuck humanity…

    before typing into the comments about how shitty atheism/Christianity is,
    ask yourself, what would i do if i wasn’t a scumbag who can’t get over
    themselves and realize that other people are entitled to their own

  9. I admit, Newton was genius, but when he wanted to explain what his genius
    had come up with, he wrote what might just be the most monsterous and
    inapprehensible book in the history of physics and didactic lecture
    combined, whereas Bill and Neil can explain simple physics in a way
    toddlers can understand, yet interesting enough for more sciency minds to
    watch. They are standing on the shoulders of giants, but they at least
    remembered to bring a megaphone to make sure the people down below hear

  10. Wow, it really never fails; if anyone hears the word “God” even once in a
    video, the whole comments section turns into christian vs atheist
    all-out-brawl. Just shut up and enjoy the damn video.

  11. Every comment: “Why are atheists jumping on religious people”

    ==Looks through comments. Not a single comment by an atheist==


  12. 1:54 Bill nye is just like, “OH, IN YOUR FACE. WHAT NOW SON I GOT A BLACK

  13. bill won, he just…he just HE FKING CAN EXPLAIN PHYSICS TO TODDLERS!!! and
    newton, well everyone thought he was shit in his time

  14. Sorry, Newton wins. Bill Nye and Tyson are fun to listen to on their TV
    shows, but their minds are nothing compared to Newton. Maybe NDT and Nye
    would actually get somewhere if they stopped attacking religion. The
    greatest minds in history embraced it, not disgraced it. 

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