1. Woah Jen is getting really good at instructing and demonstrating
    simultaneously, really pro level more so than usual. Kudos!

  2. I’m a little more intermediate in yoga, which intimidates my gf as we both
    exercise together. Your videos and comprehensive style leave her more
    refreshed than my years of flexibility and, as she puts it, my big mouth of
    yoga terms. Thank you for being my gf’s new go-to woman for yoga and

  3. Yoga never felt so good thanks for this practice! I loved the music too. I
    was tapping my feet to the beat during downward dog. I feel so energized
    and ready for anything!

  4. I will be starting Yoga Monday Morning . I will also be starting a full
    body and health make over . I can’t work out with weights right now or do
    High impact work out , because of Blood clots that I have formed due to my
    POOR Health choices . Any Ideas I can have from others on a better life
    style would be welcomed . Wish me luck .

  5. Um – for someone who’s ever done any yoga this is quite boring, same poses
    over again – but maybe good for beginners?

  6. This is my favorite yoga routine to do. I’ve done it so much that I know
    how much time I have left after I hear the person knock over something in
    the background lol. 

  7. First time doing this! Am i supposed to be sweating this much?? Maybe I’m
    out of shape, or it works like this. I feel great, and this is perfect
    because I’ve been struggling a bit with postpartum weight loss at 9 months.
    Short and perfect since my daughter sleeps less and i do my full workout ar
    night. How many calories does it burn??

  8. i just started yoga 2 days ago without a mat. When i started to do this, i
    really sweated a lot and my palms and feet got all wet, making me unable to
    continue :(

  9. First time being able to go through this with ease, almost like second
    nature.. I only started 6 months ago lol! I was so out of shape, this one
    YouTube channel has changed my life..
    Feeling amazing! Thank you!!

  10. I don’t understand “melt your heart between your shoulders”? Can you put
    that another way? tia

  11. just want to thank you and let you know that i appreciate this workout. It
    has been difficult to find a routine like this that is so well pased for
    beginners like me. Keep up the great work!

  12. Awesome!!! Doing it in repetitions is an excellent idea for the body to
    adjust n get familiar with the routine

  13. Jen, thank you so much for yet another great video. I’ve been watching most
    of your videos and they’ve been really helping me a lot. I like how you
    take time to explain things and how your videos are aimed for beginners. So

  14. Thankyou so much for this yoga workout! I feel fantastic and energised now.
    The muscles in my arms are actually shaking a little from maintains the
    downward dog! 

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