1. thank you everyone for all the support. I am still on my weight loss
    journey and maintaining my weight loss. This video is over 2 years old so a
    lot has changed since then. If you are curious about where I am now check
    my recent videos. I have documented my entire journey showing the foods I
    ate and my workouts so please check my videos. consistency is key. Take it
    one day at a time and you will reach your goals. Good luck to all those on
    their WLJ.

  2. I started my journey 3 years ago and I’m still going strong! Remember if I
    can do it so can you! This is my most recent before and after video: 3 Year
    Weight Loss Anniversary

  3. I cried watch you! I am 217 pounds and I have no confidence at all. I have
    began to work out and eat properly and YOU have motivated me more. You have
    strong will power and you just boosted my ego. I know you do not know me
    but I love you for this vido. I am going to subscribe keep up the good work

  4. Wow! You look marvelous sistah. Watching this video has given me a pinch of
    motivation to get back on my treadmill. Thanks for sharing & God bless ya.

  5. Great video. I mean really great. Your progress is inspiring. What’s most
    striking is how confident you are at any weight. True awesomeness.

  6. There’s nothing more beautiful than a confident woman. Congratulations on
    your journey, you’re a truly inspiration ♥♥

  7. Thank you for sharing! Such an inspiration! The other day I weighed in at
    my highest at 339 and now at 336. Little at a time I guess. Everyone starts

  8. I just saw this and I loved it. I think that you are so pretty and your
    confidence is wonderful! I’m much older than you are and only just
    learning how to be confident, in myself and beyond the weight loss, your
    personality is inspiring! May you be blessed on your journey and achieve
    all the success you deserve! By the way, this is probably the nicest
    comment section I have ever seen on YouTube! Let the support and
    positivity continue!!!

  9. You are awesome! I wish I had you as a friend, I bet you’re smart and funny
    – I know you’ve got determination! I wish I could be more like you. I don’t
    have as much weight to loose as you and I don’t have a car so I can’t get
    to a gym or an exercise class but I really admire how you lost all that
    weight all by yourself. You look beautiful – Go Girl!!

  10. Awesome for you! Thanks for sharing your experience and keep it up! I
    don’t even know you but I feel so proud of you! You certainly had
    confidence and always dressed up so pretty!

  11. I have been on my weight loss journey for two years now, this last year I
    loss 50+ pounds. Honestly this video has truly been inspired. My life is
    hard so it is hard for me to be impressed or inspired by others. Congrats
    to you. I keep telling myself I will never be thin but at least healthier.
    I was so delighted with my scale this morning, but this helps me to keep
    going. I watched your last video on what you eat and Laughed because it is
    ALOT like mine -minus the sugar free stuff. Do you blend or juice at all?

  12. Thank you for sharing. My weight has been an issue for me my whole life!
    I’m up n down constantly! I’m motivated these days so it was great to see
    your story! Keep up the great work! You look beautiful!!

  13. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    go u just go girl

  14. You are such a wonderful inspiration and you have motivated me so much as I
    have tried multiple diets and have worked with very little result, although
    the trick clearly is a constructive workout regime coupled with a healthy
    diet. Thank you so much for sharing your story. x

  15. I am proud of you. Keep going , don’t stop until you get there and when you
    do , keep going to maintain it.

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