1. Hey Girl haaayyyy!! You are my favorite yoga instructor. I make my
    boyfriend do the videos with me. How impressed I am with you depends on how
    old you are…please tell me your age! I have a bet going. you look great.
    Peace and Love and honesty!

  2. Good lord this kicked my butt. But my tight hip flexors and hamstrings and
    shoulders finally gave in a little by about 40 minutes…just what I
    needed. If you are an advanced yogi…I am not, I have been practicing for
    a long time but not flexible at all no matter how much I Stretch my muscles
    whip back to tight…so my #yoga review may not help advanced yogis. But
    for circuit training fanatics like me who are tight this is REALLY
    CHALLENGING. A great addition to your #fatburningworkout schedule.

  3. I just recently discovered you and your workouts are AMAZING. This workout
    was perfect. Even sore today (the day after).

  4. Ali, I have been following u for over a year! I admire your contributions
    very much and want to say that this practice the words were so helpful for
    me. Thank you. 

  5. Hi, I really love your sequences, feeling lost for the last one year on
    yoga practice and you’re bringing me back. Thank you! 

  6. This is one of my favorite classes to come back to. You’re such a wonderful
    teacher. And Sophie is darling. Thanks!

  7. This is not for me in any way. My hips and hamstrings are so tight the only
    way I can do a proper down dog is with blocks and it is too problematic
    with this practice. If you are flexible this is great. If you are not
    you’ll be stopping 22 minutes in like me. I am going to her coffee cup
    practices which are more my style. Too much pressure on my shoulders with a
    slow flow like this.

  8. Thank you Ali! Your videos are the best. I am a pro-grappler/jiu jitsu
    practitioner and I have to say that my strength, cardio, muscular endurance
    and flexibility have improved tremendously since the time I discovered your
    channel two years ago. Keep making videos because some of us really
    benefit from them ;-)

  9. I love your videos, they’re challenging in every way and Im stoked on the
    results that Im getting..thank you

  10. i just found your channel and I absolutely love it!! thank you! it would
    be amazing to know how many calories this burns. do you have an idea? by
    the way, you are gorgeous! GO VEGANS! :)

  11. My new goal is to get through this class without stopping. Hip flexors and
    center feel amazing – so worth it … you rock.

  12. I feel so reenergized and rejuvenated! Your videos are amazing, and I have
    seen an improvement in my overall physical health since I’ve started doing
    them. Thanks so much, namaste!

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