1. In my opinion this is one of the few beginner’s yoga routines that is truly
    geared towards beginners. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this
    together. Your breakdown of each movement really eased my intimidation and
    I am now looking forward to my practice :)

  2. “forgiveness, compassion and love-namaste”
    and now on to my night at work!

    I know that my patients and co-workers at the hospital will benefit from
    the opening of my spine, my heart and my soul that I derived from this
    beautiful practice.
    my dream is that one day, everyone in this sad, anxious and hostile world
    could practice like this before they start their day.


  3. +Lisa Hellgren i did this one after i did the yoga zone total body
    conditioning 2 video tonight. I have done this one a few handful of times
    and once you get used to the delay in her voice from her starting the pose,
    you get over to and see the pose as a preview for what you are about to
    move into next.

    #TeamLoobs #WonderWoman #Yoga

    Beginners Power Vinyasa Yoga Class Full Length We…:

  4. I agreed with Rita. Your pace and tone of voice is perfect for at home …
    Thank you! 

  5. nice. if i had one thing to offer it would be that one must be looking at
    the video. a key preparation phrase would be helpful before transition.
    Most traditions are done on exhale to use support of core, so a simple
    saying like inhale prepare for asana x, and exhale move into asana x…
    thank you for sharing, 

  6. Ali, I just have to say I am so grateful for your videos!!! I love how you
    explain everything and how soothing your voice is! Also your doggie is so
    cute making an appearance in this video! God bless you for posting your

  7. Did this on half screen while my son worked out to Insanity Max: 30 – so I
    really couldn’t hear anything that you were saying lol. Great practice.

  8. Thanks for this video I like it very much!! It’s not so slow that it gets
    boring but even if I’m a beginner I can keep up! I’ve been doing this for a
    week every day now, at the beginning the warrior stances were hell to me!
    But now I’m getting used to it and I feel I’m getting stronger! Thanks
    again and keep up the good work :D

  9. Hi Ali! I’m following your Beginner Yoga Challenge because I want to bring
    my home practice to a next level,I hope it will work,in the meanwhile thank
    you from Italy <3 :)

  10. Trying to get back into yoga again. This video was perfect. It was
    challenging but not too challenging.I miss doing this positions with
    strength! Lol. Thanks for posting!

  11. Hi, i been practicing your yoga class for about a week. I was wondering how
    long do i have to practice the beginner class before move on to the next
    level. Thanks!

  12. Ali-I had to miss a class today, b/c of family issues.
    I was feeling very upset, b/c I was looking forward to going out to class,
    and the family issues seem endless.
    After I had dealt with today’s issues-I took this online class-it was
    fabulous for my body, but more importantly, it helped to heal my heart and
    Namaste, beautiful Yogi !

  13. Great Ali, i was cardio fun, but since i found your videos i feel much
    better with my body and soul, thak you a lot ! .
    which video can i follow for to go to the next level?.

  14. It doesn’t look for begginers at all. It’s too fast, no explain of the
    I prefer videos where the person is talking, not background, it feels more

  15. Great class for beginners, excellent explained step by step, and the music
    it’s a bonus! Namaste.

  16. As a beginner I found this way too hard! I couldn’t constantly plank and
    downward dog x50. And the woman doing the poses often didn’t synch up with
    the instructions so I’d glance up at the video and she had moved onto a
    different pose and it hadn’t been explained.

  17. Just did this one again. Perfect for getting me back into my practice. My
    body was soooooo stiff, so I know that this was what I needed. Started
    doing my practice first thing in the morning before breakfast to make time
    in my very busy schedule.

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