1. He should have just beaten Voldemort in a rap battle. What an interesting
    ending that would be to Harry Potter

  2. Honestly I had nothing against Danielle radcliff before but i didnt really
    like him that much. this totally made me gain a ton of respect for him. 

  3. 15 million views? Wow, I have been on youtube 20 years and only got 5 views
    and 1 sub which is my mom :(

  4. Is he a wizard?

  5. hairy pott3r has so much sweg nd his rapeing skills r really gud, i wish i
    cud rap lik hairy pott3r, maybb3 he used magik sp3llz lik expecto swagtonum
    tht mad3 him really gud at rapeing… lolololololol sweg 9+10=?!?!?!
    i b3t hermoni is really sad she didnt snoop snog hairy pott3r now
    evry1 lik dis coment so tht jummy kummel can see mlg language
    hairy is luv hairy is life

  6. how is he a big rap fan if
    1. He’s white
    2. He’s not from America and don’t know the culture here.
    lol, he even lost his brit accent. but no matter what he does, he will
    always be a brit

  7. *Daniel Radcliffe’s Excellent Rapping on TV!*
    This is an impressive video from an Americain TV show in October in which
    Daniel Radcliffe Raps *”Alphabet Aerobics”* by Blackalicious.

    Most of you have probably already seen it.

    #Dnaiel #Radcliffe #Rapping #Blackalicious #alphabet 

  8. Excuse me, but who is Daniel Radcliffe? This guy is known as Harry Potter.
    Or the “boy who lived” if you prefer.
    Fix this. Thanks.

  9. It kinda makes me mad when I hear (White People) say – “I GOT INTERRESTED
    IN RAP BECAUSE OF EMINEM”,,,,, when in fact there were Tons Of (BLACK
    RAPPERS) who were out way before (Eminem) even came out, & they are just
    as good as Eminem ……. Lets me know that this guy “D Radcliffe” had no
    interest & wasn’t payin attention to Rap before Eminem because it was
    nothing but BLACK RAPPERS in the game, & he probably was Bashing &
    Criticizing Rap Music as well.. But as soon when the Lil White Boy named
    EMINEM comes out,,,, now he wanna be a Dick Riding Rap Fan !!!!!!! ??
    GTFOH !!!!!!!!!! >:(

  10. I hate how they played this off like Daniel had no idea he was gonna be
    asked to do that specific song. Obviously it had been rehearsed by him,
    Jimmy and the band. I know it’s kinda obvious but bugs me regardless

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