1. hi Josana, i am wondering if i can eat anything after my dinner :).
    Actually i feel hungry in late night ( sometimes when i wake up around 12
    am or 2am ). is it okay to eat something and if yes , what should i eat? i
    sleep at 9pm

  2. Will these foods be ok in the fridge for a week? They won’t spoil? I’m new
    at premaking food. I’ve always ate healthy but my life has gotten very busy
    so I wanted to try this. 

  3. i love love love YOU.. you are fantastic. thank you so much. you cover
    absolutely everything. i actually look forward to dieting because you make
    it interesting. thank you for putting so much time and effort into your
    videos. it will help a lot of people like myself =D <3

  4. *>At the beginning I doubted the program, but then I saw my after pictures
    I was sold.I will stick to the Venus program and I am not going to look for
    any other program anymore I have found what works, finally.>*

  5. Wanna find out how to make your own tailored meal plan? Click on the link
    to my FREE DIET HARD SERIES which takes you through it step by step.


    PLUS learn the secret psychological strength of setting up your very own
    Diet MISSION STATEMENT. Now you’ll NEVER falter again on your journey to a
    new you.

    SAVE hundreds of pounds and start getting into the best shape of your life

    Yippee Ki ya Mother fuckers

  6. hmm these recommandations about water. 3-4 l of water is so much. It is a
    big load for the kidneys to deal with! 

  7. I love all your recipes! Tried sooooo many diets but by following your
    recipes and tips I actually like the healthy lifestyle I’ve recently
    started and hopfully I’ll carry on like this ^ ^ and soon have a gorgeous
    body like your 😀 Thank you!!! Love you lots! xx <3 (by the way I'm
    obsessed with your videos 0.0)

  8. Please help Joanna Im in 7th grade and i want to get healthier and i only
    have 3 Minutes I Between Class so do you have any tips

  9. Thank you very much Joanna for such a great meal plan !!! I started it
    today and I am absolutely in love with this plan !

  10. These recipes sound delish but I have a nut and sunflower seed allergy. So
    the nuts in the yogurt would have to go. Also for the wrap and other
    breads, can I just use whole wheat instead of whole grain? because there
    are some whole grain products that have sunflower seeds. Would greatly
    appreciate some feedback! Thanks!

  11. Joanna help me . im malaysian well we eat rice everyday bcs its our main
    food . i tried not to eat rice and at first it went well but after a few
    days i keep getting hungrier . and one more thing even if i did excercise
    or control my meals my weight didnt change . im so frustrated im 18 i want
    to enjoy my life i hope you could help me :)

  12. i just want to say that every person can not drink 3litres water per day as
    it can damage the liver.. for person who is small and tiny and not workout
    heavily should be 2. 2.5L include smoothies and soups per day.. :)

  13. I dont realy like alvicado
    Would these foods i like would help

    I like spinach leafs, Apple’s, grapes, orange juice, greenbeens, peas, eggs
    scrambled, carrots mixed with yellow rice. Would these also help with ur

  14. Hi joanna.. how to know the calory number? I mean, is tht has any list or
    something like that? Or any book? Or any knowledge? Bcs wht makes me
    confuse is only that. From whre u could say those number. :)

  15. Actually, an avocado is a fruit, a one seeded berry to be exact! xD

    Anyway, I like your recipes, and I have tried a few and I loved them all :3
    Keep up the good work!

  16. It sucks that i dont live alone/make my own food! Its my parents that makes
    the food and decides what goes on the table! Its just so annoying I WANT TO
    EAT LIKE THIS! It would be so awsome and its something i could stick too
    :,( SO ANNOYING!

  17. If i’m vegetarian, and replace chicken and salmon with Tofu, do I use the
    same amount of Tofu i would use for chicken or salmon? Eg. 85g Salmon = 85g

  18. I can have all of the meals except the snack after breakfast because of
    school is it ok if I skip it? Can I please get your feedback Thank you!

  19. As being an asian i am pressurised to eat rice for lunch and dinner even if
    i dont want to.. my mum cooks white rice and that has about 300 calories
    what should i do im trying to lose weight and its difficulf

  20. Joanna , im not chinese or malaysian or japanese, although im still asian
    and my country is (kurdistan)… You dont wanna know the things that i said
    but , in my country our main main food is rice,chicken,and sause …. Like
    every day because its our main food for dinner and lunch , of course the
    sause or something may change day by day but its still a sause ,, however
    our breakfast is really really unhealthy like (a really sweet black tea, a
    white bread, and cheeses like full fat ones) literally! I cant control it
    because its just the traditional , is there something i can do ? 

  21. I had that avocado egg salad on toast this morning for breakfast and WOW
    that was so delish!!! I love your videos Joanna keep them coming

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