1. This works i lost 45 pounds in total with this plan u just have to stick to
    it love it 

  2. you got be rich to eat like a bodybuilder. my family eat those food for
    like a week

  3. You don’t have to cut out healthy fat’s.. they are much better energy
    sources (calorie boosters) then carbs are.. so really you can eat much less
    carbs while maintaining the exact same diet stat’s… since you trying to
    lose fat, you should be in a calorie deficiency plan toward what you need
    so approximately 200-400 calorie deficiency from what you should be having
    to maintain your weight.. having healthy fats doesn’t change anything as
    long as you dont go over the calorie limit you set.

  4. You can tell Kris is a real hardcore old fashioned bodybuilder. It’s veryy
    admirable and respectful, although I would never cut out:sugar(fruits),
    lactose (nonfat milk), nor fats (healthy omegas/monounsaturated fats). That
    said, I follow his training ideology, simplicity, and intensity. Yet I
    would never follow his dieting advice. 

  5. is there a GOOD video by kris thats just about cooking? Ive seen a couple
    vids from this trainer that give some ideas but they’re super short and
    dont help much except for a single recipe. I would like to see a whole meal
    plan kinda thing on a video

  6. I study full time and hardly make enough cash, but I shop smart buy whats
    on special. Just because Kris buys a 10kg bag of Oats doesn’t mean I have
    too. Just get a little bag that will get u through 1 week.

  7. If you are a bodybuilder or just exercise regularly, as you would be if you
    are watching this video, frying your chicken or tilapia in olive oil or
    canola oil should not be a problem.

  8. ‘But when you’re doin this transformation You dont need those healthy fats
    so much, you need to be burnin fats that you’re storing, not the fats that
    youre injesting’
    Kris Gethin is a walking pile of broscience bullcrap LOL

  9. I love that he keeps coffee in his diet rather than cutting it and using
    preworkouts all the time. Great videos :)

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