1. Guys, I’m unable to respond to a TON of comments on here with the new
    update like I could before (reply button isn’t there), I’m not ignoring
    you! I’ve had a few q’s about loose skin so here’s my answer: It really
    depends on your genetics & body composition whether your skin will
    immediately snap back or you’ll have the loose skin. After 60lbs I luckily
    don’t have any, but I was prepared for it. You’ve got to look at pros &
    cons, for me I’d rather be at a happier/healthier weight with the loose
    skin. Skin is elastic and a living organism so it has the potential to snap
    back, your best bet is to keep yourself moisturized with body butters &
    don’t worry about it too much/see what happens!

  2. I try to reply to ALL your questions, but if you don’t have Google+
    activated then I’m unable to respond! 

  3. I’m just now starting my journey. Hopefully I’ll have results as good as
    yours. Thanks for sharing your journey with us! 

  4. you look wonderful lady. I wonder what are you going to do with all the
    shoes that you no longer fit? donate? sell?

  5. im 6’4 now that i get bored and hate being fat , i lost 20 kgs already but
    i got 50kg more to go . anyways good video you are a motivation also a
    preety girl too, thank you =)

  6. I messed up tonight and ate pizza Cuz my boyfriend and I are breaking up
    and I’m supposed to weigh in tomorrow and that would discourage me so like
    u said I’m going to just weigh myself after I see a change. Im gonna get
    right back on my life style change.

  7. Love the idea of food prepping! However, after being cooked, chicken and
    turkey are only good in the refrigerator for 3 days. So it would make sense
    to do it twice a week. 🙂 

  8. I’m not even 18. if I try to loose a lot of weight (like, 60 pounds or
    more), you think my skin will snap back? People’ve told me that the younger
    you loose weight, the more likely it is to snap back…

  9. From 12-14 to size six! My god girl you should be sooo proud of yourself!!
    Well done! Wish I was as strong as u!

  10. Hey! Have you heard the talk about – Arabella Wonderful Slimming Genie (do
    a google search)? I’ve heard some amazing things about it and my cousin got
    excellent results with it.

  11. Wow! Your transformation was incredible, watching your video was exactly
    what I needed to help me right now. At this point in my life I am the
    heaviest I have ever been and I have been putting off changing my lifestyle
    for months now just put off laziness and all it’s done is made me into a
    miserable person who is so insecure I hate even leaving my house. But
    seeing how you just sucked it up and did it is so motivational. Like I
    totally relate when you said you were just s lazy person, that is my
    biggest problem. Thank you so much for making this video, I really think
    it’s going to help me just do it! (:

  12. Omg!!! Thank you for posting! I am super motivated by this I started 2 days
    ago and I’m soooo sore! I was looking for some motivation and I’m so glad I
    found your channel! I’m at 207 and I’m 5’0 I’m excited to see my body
    change! Thank you! 

  13. Did you do hiit only or hiit plus weight training? If hiit only how many
    times a week? Pls answer i need honest answer

  14. This just helped me so much you have no idea. I’m 5’9, 23 years old and
    just got back from my first weigh in/assessment with a personal trainer. My
    starting weight is 204 and I was sooooo shocked to see that number on the
    scale. I never thought I ate too bad, or was super lazy but seeing that and
    hearing the age my body “feels” crushed me. I am so nervous to start this
    weightloss journey but I just hope and pray that I can pull it off. This
    was motivation, and truly inspiring! Thank you. 

  15. Hi, I just saw your awesome video. Congratulations to your great journey!!!
    You look absoluetely beautiful! Now I am asking myself, how many calories
    did you eat during your transformation? Did you distinguish between “good”
    and “bad carbohydrates? Or did you just cut your intake down to a
    determined amount of calories? You mentioned that any fat-diet should be
    avoided. Why do you recommend this?
    I asked you these questions because I try to loose weight as well and I am
    not sure which way of nutrition I should take. Could you give me a helpful

  16. You are so motivational!! This video has inspired me to not stop working
    out. On a side note your choices in shoes are fab.

  17. This has been the most motivating video I’ve seen. Thank you for being so
    real and so realistic! I feel like we are very similar with our weights and
    heights and i feel so much more optimistic!

  18. Wow you look amazing and you have a really healthy attitude as well. People
    that do it mind over matter always find it easiest. I think you’d be one of
    the best personal trainers.

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