1. Mmmmmmmm…………………………esta canción. Solo escuchar la letra
    y ponerme en el lugar de esa persona se los juro que me había hecho llorar.
    Vi el video y me dio un !@#$%^$#@!!@#$ coraje!! jajajaja

    UNO… Por que no podemos hablar con la verdad? dejamos de AMAR? hablarlo y
    tan tan se acabo y cada quien con su vida.

    DOS… Por que los seremos humanos seguimos en situaciones que nos hacen
    tanto daño?

    PD. Sorry ando intensa!! jajajaj y les adverti que escuchar música me
    distrae demasiado

  2. Dianna Agron is kind of perfect… Seriously though, I want to bottle up
    Sam’s voice and use it to charm snakes or something. It’s beautiful. Like a
    scented candle or something.

  3. Am I the only one who at the end was waiting for her to stab him with a
    goddamn knife? XD

  4. i dont get it.. why diana aggron at the end was going along with this like
    as if nothing happen? do real life people actually did this when they got

  5. Dude is messed up, and girl is nuts. I feel like this is the prelude to a
    news story about a woman murdering her husband and going about daily life
    with his head on the table in the kitchen for three months.

  6. That blonde girl is literally.. perfect. So beautiful in every way. Why the
    hell is he cheating on her? The dumbass doesn’t know what he has. xD

  7. she should of not gotten back with him if she knew that he was cheating on
    her bc men are men they will never change

  8. You know what they call people who drink alcohol without paying for it and
    then burn their spouses clothes in an open fire? Crazy. So yes, I’m saying
    your crazy, even if you DO know what I’ve done.

  9. Sam smith videos and songs are always so emotional, amazing piece of art!
    The video seems like a real movie, and the music fits perfectly, I can’t
    wait for future projects! Awesome work Sam, awesome! 🙂
    Also, I’m trying to make short films myself, would be nice to get a chance!

  10. This is how my bastard dad is! My mom knows but she ignores it. They fought
    before but now she just pretends it isn’t happening for the sake of the

  11. I cried man that’s me the wife and every dude I get with does that to me.
    Cheats. I will never be the only one. I’m always the main chick who is just
    for fun. Men these days. No offense to all men but just saying.

  12. And people still say that the women are the crazy ones! I hate straight
    males! They feel so entitled to shit

  13. I were crying in every part of this song,,,, T_T
    +Maman Al Fathan.
    Please check it out!!!!

  14. Sickening how some people in our culture have made homosexuality into
    something horrible. Honestly people have brought it below something like
    stealing or even murder. Things that actively HARM OTHER PEOPLE is better
    than just pure love. I live in the deep south and witness disgusting
    Baptists marching the streets protesting against the LGBTQ community and
    say it’s for god. Don’t give me that bullshit. You’re now doing a single
    shitty thing for God. If God didn’t approve of it why would he/she even
    make it a thing? Why would he/she even CREATE gay people? Also many animals
    perform homosexual acts. Are dolphins sinners now? Am I gonna see the
    rabbit in my backyard in hell? What happened to the whole animals do things
    purely on instinct? Fuck you all.

  15. Homosexuality is Sin and therefore, nothing beautiful or truthful about
    it. Regardless of this new generations viewpoint on the matter doesn’t
    change it’s condemnation.

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