1. Another Lauren wants to lose weight? Laurens UNITE!
    But seriously though…nice job!

  2. You are motivating so many people by sharing your story. It is incredible
    to see your determination and motivation to change your life to a healthier
    and happier lifestyle 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  3. Hey YouTubers, have you heard about Fat Blast Furnace? (just google it) You
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  5. That’s very inspiring great job and keep up the good work your very
    beautiful an nothing or anyone can take that from you

  6. Incredible transformation. We could cry. We know just how difficult it is
    to do this. Its about self discipline. So happy for her. Our own daughter
    lost 88 lbs todate and still working at it. She is also about the same age
    as this young lady and was built the same way. Its not a vanity thing. Its
    a health thing. God Bless them. Thanks for sharing this video.

  7. Thanks for the motivation. Was the guy in the picture at the start, or
    after you lost the weight? Inquiring minds want to know. 

  8. Congrats on your awesome weight loss I just want to know how you did it I’m
    205 I was 225 now I’m at a stand still help.!!!!

  9. If she lost weight with pills, is the wrong way!!, the best way for loss
    weight is eat healthy, exercise and drink lots of water..

  10. Good job!! I lost 20pounds in 20 days with Iaso aka money tea
    totallifechanges.com/3115751 Easy to follow and works wonders!

  11. Hey there! Have you considered – Veronique amazing body renewal (google
    it)? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my friends mother got
    excellent weight loss with it. 

  12. Hey Couture You’ve made great strides in your progress, I’m so proud of
    you! I’ve gotten very inspired for the past 12 years from others like you
    and have gone through the same experiences, being strong I decided to make
    my own channel and post my own weight loss journey too. I think each video
    creates a domino effect, after each video you get more and more motivated
    to try harder.

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