1. I really like your body for a woman. It’s not too muscular but it’s obvious
    your fit. (This is my preference, I would like to look like this) 

  2. I miss the white background (glad to hear it’s coming back), but I think
    this light and airy room would be great for your yoga and stretching

  3. Kelly is looking amazing; the background makes that fact stand out even
    I had a knee injury recently but I’m hoping to get back into my regular
    fitness routine with Fitness Blender once it’s healed. Always glad to see
    more videos from you guys.
    I like the background a lot, but I’m okay with the usual white screen as

  4. fitness blender do you guys have more plyometric workouts? also does doing
    a workout over and over again is bad? im a athlete so yeah.

  5. 32 Minute Calorie Blasting Cardio Training – Fun, effective, no equipment,
    warm up and cool down included. The new FitnessBlender.com goes live today!
    Stay tuned for updates

    Edit: New site is LIVE — Note: It may take up to 24 hours to be able to
    see the new site, depending on your location & internet provider – if you
    don’t see it, don’t panic, it will show up for you at any minute! Official
    announcement coming soon.

  6. Workout complete and I’m feeling accomplished. I’ve been working out to you
    guys for about a year plus now. A difference that I see is that my calves
    are getting bigger and not leaner. What main exercises does it result from
    and what exercise can I do for leaner calves and thighs? Thank you!

  7. Have you tried any of our 7 brand new workout programs that use our online
    calendar to track your progress as you go? If you need extra guidance with
    your workouts, these programs completely take out the guesswork, and give
    you a safe and highly effective plan of exactly what to do each day. The
    only question in whether or not these plans are effective is whether or not
    you DO them. Get your programs now to start the week strong tomorrow @

  8. I literally have no indurance. I’ve never sweated this much in my whole
    life. Damn.

  9. Oh Kelly!! Why can’t I have a body like yours? You look fab!!! Been
    following this channel for about 2 months but still have all that unwanted
    fat 🙁 but seriously girl, I would die to have a body like yours!!!!!!!!!

  10. has anyone gotten good results from this? today is my first day so just
    wondering if i should stick with it. and also, will i lose fat with this?
    my goal is to drop pound not gain muscle

  11. When I do squats, I only feel it in my thighs. Ive looked up how to do a
    proper squat, and I get mixed information on that. Is it okay that im not
    feeling it in my butt?

  12. Just to let viewers know (whoever actually cares enough to read it lol) I’d
    like to share and say I’ve been doing this exact workout for at least three
    days out of the week for two months or more now and then after before the
    cool down I go to a butt or ab quick 10 minute video of my choosing then
    after I finish off with a cool down and I have seen a crazy outcome my body
    is looking so nice and without a gym! I eat kind of whatever I want though
    but I’m sure with a better meal plan it would be better. 

  13. I am just getting back into shape after a majour surgery. This was very
    motivating..and not overly intimating. Thank you so much for posting. 

  14. Oh, man. I went into workout with every muscle group sore after several
    days of brutal HIIT+cardio routines. I thought this could almost be a
    lower-impact recovery round, but boy was I wrong. I’m sweating like crazy
    and had a pretty tough time with the jump squats at the end. This IS a good
    one, but make sure you’re recovered.

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