1. Ali, love, you never fail to disappoint me. Lovely sweat. Indulging on a
    banana/datorade now. Cheers. 

  2. Great great great, loved it! 2 days in a roll, tough, love your yoga HITT
    combo’s <3 Need a green juice, ha ha! Thanks so much Ali!

  3. There was nothing about that class that wasn’t just plain
    exciting…everything had a new, fun twist…I was mesmerized (very hard to
    be while getting my booty whooped!) The opening sequence with knee to
    fore-arm while in upward dog…I liked being ABLE to do them so much that I
    did extra! Boy, Ali…we have, all of us, come a million miles in
    strength…it’s fantastic! The full body lift rainbow at the end will be a
    new favorite at my house…yikes…right!!!??? (until you come up with a
    new miracle move…and we know you will!)…And yes…with deep gratitude
    for health,for opportunity, for ability, and mostly for you Ali…Thank you
    for everything…xox,L

  4. Great class!! Challenge is on! And I am done and sweating hahaha. Thanks
    for the class and the creativity! I like the new upward facing dog exercise
    lifting legs. Still can not do the handstands, I am really scared of it,
    when I feel I almost got it, I panic and then can not keep trying the
    jumps, suggestions if available are welcome. Love on your way dear Ali! The
    new logo is beautiful!, Isabel 

  5. Oh boy, this was tough. Loved the plank jump squats! Maybe a
    breakdown/workshop on working on jumping into handstand? 

  6. Hi Ali, you totally called me out on the second chaturanga! LOL. I agree
    with you, I actually prefer the voice over classes :). But whatever is
    easiest for you to edit is also fine by me! xo

  7. That was ace, thanks- I can’t do handstands, so went between doing forward
    bends or burpees- any other recommendations for those of us who can’t do
    Thanks so much, Tess 

  8. I loved this class so much last week that I did it again today…Guess
    what?…STILL LOVE IT! Thanks Ali for the amazing effort you put into
    making these classes …not just fun…but so effective too…I love
    watching my own growth and improvement on this Interval Yoga
    Journey…xoxo, L

  9. sweated like hell and kept telling my bf Ali is crazy!!!
    you totally transform me and my body!!! I will for sure write an article
    about it after my final exams!! you accompany every single day! Namaste

  10. I almost turned this off thinking that it was too tough but I stuck with it
    and I am so glad I did. Great class Ali <3 thank you!

  11. Ali,

    My name is Ali too! I’ve been doing your classes for a while and love them.
    I recommend them to everyone i know! What is your diet like? I feel like I
    work out constantly (I’m already thin) but I can’t quite get my stomach as
    flat as I’d like. Your classes are wonderful, but I know at this point its
    all in what you eat to work down that extra few %. Do you have anywhere
    that you post some sample daily meals or recipes?

  12. One of my favourite classes Ali! Had s much energy today I did 30 reps of
    the last cardio sequence :))

  13. This yoga class made me break a sweat…. thank you Ali…. You are

  14. This was awesome. Great total body toning and cardio elements. You
    consistently make me love yoga more. Namaste ❤️

  15. You are my favorite 🙂 My body is so strong since doing your classes and my
    mind just wanders to peaceful places when I watch you. Thank you.

  16. sometimes i find it hard to deepen my breath during these types of
    classes…. and when i am trying to deepen yet have to go too fast i find
    myself getting dizzy (too much oxygen too fast to the brain?)

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