1. Some of these pictures look completely different from each other. I don’t
    mean it by the weight, but by the faces and sudden hair changes. 

  2. How do you get rid of extra skin in abs. I’m afraid if i loose its going
    sag… :-(

  3. What has been stopping me? Time commitment. 20 minutes a day workout and
    1200 calories won’t do it for me. If I walk 3+ hours a day plus an hour of
    Yoga or calisthenics or weight training three days a week plus three to
    five days of minimum 30 minute cardio, plus diet under 1,000 calories, then
    it will come off. I have to take months off of work and school and focus
    my energy completely on preparing food and juices that will be efficient
    enough to include all nutrients within a small calorie count and the rest
    of my time energy goes to working out — which is what I am doing now for
    the next three months. This is a full time job. I have been walking from
    10 am until 2 pm, just had a salad for lunch. Will be out this evening for
    another hour and a half walking. Tomorrow yoga and another 7 mile walk.
    It is devilishly hard not to want to stuff your face after all of that
    calorie expenditure. A 7 mile walk for me, 5 days a week means a pound of
    FAT off per week, at least. The less fat that passes through your lips,
    the less fat you have to burn, the faster you will burn the fat you have in
    storage. I wish I could do things moderately and lose but my body doesn’t
    work that way. Maintenance is another story. It is much easier to stay
    the same weight than to lose weight. The weight loss mode is not a
    lifestyle. The weight maintenance mode should be a lifestyle, but to
    settle on what that is, you have to lose the weight first and then juggle
    the maintenance mode with the stress of work and school and whatever other
    agenda distracts you from focusing 100% on your health, and everybody
    thinks their agenda is more important than your health. At some point you
    just have to tell them all to stuff it and do what you have to do. They
    are not going to pay your medical bills for you, after all.

  4. That last picture seems to show a white girl and a black girl.I didn’t know
    weight loss changes your color too.

  5. I doubt 0:40 actually went from fat to FIT. It looks more like fat to less

  6. I love how at 1:18 its supposed to show that she got fit, but the 2nd
    picture is actually , going by what the picture says, before (2002) 

  7. For those of you who don’t know, a few in this comments section, 1:30 the
    second picture is her in a competition; in those types of competitions all
    the body entry’s use huge amounts of fake tan etc. – darker your skin is
    the more defined muscles are (apparently) and so they look “black” to score

  8. Yeah, I too am guilty of jumping from weight loss plan to others as well, I
    think that I must have tried every single fat loss program that was
    available, but in the end not one of them helped me to lose and keep the
    weight off. I ended up trying for the very last time using the Fenoboci
    Diet Plan because my work buddy who told me great things about it and so
    far to date I have successfully dropped 16 lbs in 4 weeks! 

  9. I think a lot of these “after” girls are too skinny. I’m 129 pounds and
    don’t feel the need to go to 115. So what if I have a little belly fat? At
    least I’ve got boobs.

  10. nice video but what happened to Mary L. Carter? did she gain back weight?
    because it says she was 115 in 2002 and then 176 in 2007. 1:16

  11. The girl at 1:23 looks so much better in the before picture. In the after
    picture she’s waaaayyy too thin. Plus, her boobs are sagging.

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