1. Ah, nutritional supplements. “Regulated” in the sense that they each have
    labels telling you what’s in them — oh, except for the fact that those
    labels are completely false one-third of the time.

    Ah, John Oliver. Teaching us how to pander to an audience without
    recommending harmful medical supplements. And with the help of George R. R.
    Martin and Steve Buscemi, tap-dancing.

    Really, this is a kind of awesome show.

  2. We MUST regulate the supplement market. Republicans are soo stupid when
    they say we need to deregulate everything.

  3. First off the FDA has done more to kill people then any Herbal
    Supplement….the FOOD PYRAMID is a DEATH PYRAMID ….the FDA promotes
    eating GRAINS, that’s INSANE we are not Cattle…We have a huge OBESITY
    problem which coincidentally started after they came out with the GRAIN
    HEAVY FOOD PYRAMID …..Also look how long it took the FDA to let some
    heart meds into the states…THE FDA is a JOKE…..Listening to a
    BUREAUCRAT is nonsensical….for those of you that don’t understand what
    happens to GRAINS when your body tries to digest them
    The three types of carbohydrates are sugar, starch and fiber. During the
    digestive process, both sugars and starches are turned into the sugars that
    the body uses for energy(only an athlete can burn off high amounts). People
    lack the enzymes needed to digest fiber, so it passes through the digestive
    tract without turning into to sugar.
    Simple Sugars
    Some foods contain simple sugars, which don’t need to be further broken
    down during digestion. The three main simple sugars are glucose, fructose
    and galactose. Glucose is found in honey and fruit, fructose is found in
    fruits, vegetables and honey and galactose is found in plants. Glucose and
    galactose are easily absorbed, but some people have difficulties absorbing
    fructose if it isn’t accompanied by glucose or galactose.
    Compound Sugars
    Compound sugars include sucrose, a combination of fructose and glucose;
    lactose, a combination of galactose and glucose; and maltose, which is a
    combination of two glucose molecules. Sucrose is found in sugar and maple
    syrup, lactose is found in milk and maltose is found in malt, fruits and
    grains. During digestion, the enzymes break the bonds between the sugar
    molecules to turn compound sugars into simple sugars.
    Plants form starches, which are also called complex carbohydrates, by
    stringing together sugars. When you eat starchy foods, the starches are
    broken down into sugars, including glucose, maltotriose and maltose, by an
    enzyme called amylase found in your saliva and small intestine. These
    compound sugars are further broken down into simple sugars by other
    enzymes, including maltase, lactase, sucrase and isomaltase.
    Factors Affecting Carbohydrate Digestion
    The glycemic index measures how much a particular carbohydrate-containing
    food increases blood-glucose levels or how quickly carbohydrates are turned
    into sugar. Foods with a low glycemic index are more slowly digested, so
    they don’t cause large spikes in blood sugar levels. Foods containing
    protein and fiber are digested more slowly, and if you combine foods with a
    high glycemic index with those that have a lower glycemic index, it also
    slows digestion.

    This was also discussed on the OZ show….Never have I read anything about
    this from the FDA…Most Doctors laugh at the FDA procedures and practices
    for good reason they are idiots pushing an agenda and the FDA’s agenda is
    not good for the people.

  4. I love how whole comment section is bunch of morons trying to fight reason
    and facts with believes and hopes. Congratulation to you people, you make
    existence of corruption and frauds like Dr. Oz possible by your boundless

  5. You know how you get fucking Vitamin C? You fucking eat oranges. That is
    literally it. No fake magic pills, not Dr. OZ magic beans, just Oranges.
    Nature is there for you, use it correctly. As a foreigner living in the US,
    I am glad I already have the brain cells to determine that there is no such
    thing as “the Magic Pill”, unlike some Americans. 

  6. I have been interested in eating healthy foods that are devoid of chemicals
    and treatments that harm the food, and in my research I more often find
    that the FDA is being used as a tool by large food and drug companies to
    crush the competition, then to actually protect the consumer. Some
    examples are the FDA requiring a company to remove the statement that a
    food product has no trans-fats (google trans fats to find out why you don’t
    want them) because it had other natural fats in the product, or when there
    was a salmonella outbreak in lettuce and the FDA refused to allow the
    public to know which company was responsible so that the company would
    suffer an undue loss of reputation, or when the FDA raids food co-ops,
    where people form communities to grow healthy chemical free foods and dairy
    products, only to have the FDA show up in military gear, arrest them, and
    destroy the food. Sorry John, I don’t buy your whole lets allow the FDA
    all the regulatory zeal they want. 

  7. The disease is NOT that dietary supplements are unregulated. No, the
    disease is that Murukans are so gullible. 

  8. Oh, this asshole is why I keep having to tell people that my pharmacy
    doesn’t have that shit? Fuck you, Dr. Oz.

  9. People in America would rather believe in a magic pill than to simply eat
    healthy so that they don’t get sick.

  10. Riiiight… Because the FDA does such a great job of protecting us from
    non-food items in our food, and substances they know are poisonous, but ‘in
    such small doses, it’s fine’. I don’t trust them as far as I can throw
    them. Leave my supplements alone.

  11. I have been watching a few of these videos by John Oliver. I do enjoy
    watching these videos and recognize the hard work. Some of his videos a
    appropriately taunt subjects such as the prison system, for profit schools,
    diabetes, and much more. This video I found special. Keeping in mind that
    is entertainment news more than news itself, this is the most strongest
    “biased” video I have seen yet . John Oliver (or the script is reading
    from) does little to recognize Dr. Oz’s position. He is a doctor yes but
    also on television which means he needs to show some “eww” and “wow” to
    keep rating up. I sure see the danger and fault of giving supplements and
    medicine high value of which is doesn’t reach but as said earlier there is
    much to consider from his perspective which has significant value.

  12. 3:10 – OMG Lab Mouse Support group? that’s a web cartoon series waiting to
    happen! XD

  13. I’m surprised Dr. Oz is pushing all these supplements and saying “miracle
    treatment”. First, if something is a “miracle” it would be big news and
    none of these supplements are. Secondly, he has to fill his hour long show
    five times a week so saying stuff like that makes it “worth watching”.

    He uses new research data on stuff that SOUNDS troubling like X amount of
    Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. Sounds scary right? NOPE! America is
    a big country with a good amount of grossly unhealthy people. You get more
    than enough of your daily requirement of Vit D by being in the sun five
    minutes! Unless your a hermit I think many of us get that easily. I take a
    walk everyday and thats about forty-five minutes in the sun so why would I
    need extra supplementation of Vit D?

  14. But wait Dr Oz is so likeable so we must buy these special magic pills to
    make us feel better……. -_-

  15. This is the reason why american citizens are the most overweight people on
    the planet. They believe in pills and medicine and magic products that can
    help them lose weight, instead of just living a normal lifestyle. I can eat
    all the fat and sugar I want and I’m still thin, because I also eat a lot
    of fruit, I drink water and there are places I walk instead of driving a

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