1. Pete i dont get why you’re so anti tracking macros. People who track macros
    dont just all eat bullshit all day and somehow reach their appropriate
    ratios. Tracking macros allows flexible dieting… If i require 200g of
    protein a day, 250 carbs, and 70g of fat.. MOST of my meals will be clean
    allowing me to hit those macro nutrient ratios. The thing is, i might be
    able to have something like a cookie, or a donut, or a bagel, or some other
    food that i typically wouldnt be able to eat on a “bro-diet.”

    In my personal opinion, i think tracking macros is a more healthy LONG TERM
    diet, opposed to 60 days of “eating clean”, and then going back to

    DO NOT get me wrong, I am not saying what YOU’RE doing is NOT working, I am
    only stating it is not the only way to do things. There are many ways to go
    about dieting and you always seem to hate on IIFYM, despite the results.

    Huge fan, good luck with the cut.

  2. Would you freeze some of the meals? Or just refrigriate them, I imagine by
    the 20th meal they’d start getting a little ripe. 

  3. I prefer to do bigger, less frequent meals when cutting while minimizing
    snacking. For example, 3 to 4 bigger meals as opposed to 5 medium or small
    meals. The bigger meals satisfy me. And snacking can just throw me off. I
    drop protein shakes completely, because they are not satiating and they add
    calories. I just eat the amount of protein I need. I have somewhat stopped
    doing protein bars because they are calorie dense (and expensive), but I
    think they have their place. I also minimize nuts and nut butters just
    because they are so calorically dense. I have a huge salad before lunch or
    dinner to help with satiety. Lots of veggies, they should become your best
    friend when dieting. I minimize rice also, because the carbs can just add
    up too quickly. I prefer oats for my main carb source just out of personal
    taste preference. I’m currently doing 250p, 260c, 65f for current macros if
    anyone happens to GAF.

    Great video, though, Pete. Look forward to seeing more of the Furious 60

  4. i should really try that out… im prepping 1-2 meals every evening. takes
    a ton of time everday ;/

  5. I’ve watched about 5 of you’re vids. I would say you’re appetite is on goku

  6. “But right now, I live in Canada and it’s cold outside.”

    Ahh, but it’s warm and sunny here in Vancouver :p
    Smart video though Pete, good stuff.

  7. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says. I don’t cheat. If i was able to eat a
    pop tart because it fit, I wouldn’t. I just don’t feel the same as if I ate
    cleaner. It’s not the same thing. I feel groggy and shitty eating junk food
    or having crazy cheat days. I eat relatively clean and feel a lot better. I
    don’t know if it’s just me.

  8. i can not believe he didn’t eat the whole thing at the end. i’m a little

  9. I mean this in the most civil way possible, but unless you have a medical
    degree or people actually know your name in the fitness world…shut up
    with the dieting advice in the comments. Most likely Pete is
    bigger/stronger than you and is in better shape, plus has the advantage of
    being able to get advice directly from famous bodybuilders who job it is to
    be lean and cut. 99% of you talking shit or whining about how you prefer
    IIFYM look either scrawny or chubby in your display picture and have no
    business even stating your opinion.

  10. Dumping hot food into BPA laden containers… That’s a recipe for cancer
    and bitch tits… srs

  11. I’m just super happy this dude is actually eating vegetables. Rock on Pete.
    Kick cancers ass. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  12. Is there any healthy sauces out there? I really like this style of food but
    i cant stand the dryness of it. There is very few tips on healthy sauces,
    would be nice if someone had a great tip.

  13. Yo Pete, I have been reading that it’s not safe to store cooked chicken in
    the fridge for that long. I have read that it stays good for 2 days tops.
    What do you think about that?

  14. I prefer McDonald’s and Taco Bell. I feel better after I eat it and it
    cures aids. Fuck you 

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