1. How I balanced my hormones natural and how its helped me get back on track
    with losing weight. Now that I don’t get bloated for 10 days twice a both
    before my monthly friend its made a HUGE difference, and I was able to do
    it NATURALLY! So, I encourage anyone who is either getting off of birth
    control, has hormone imbalances or severe PMS/PMDD to watch this. 

  2. Hey hun. I checked this out and the labels said it was a carcinogen. Have u
    done any research on this? I’m very curious because my hormones are cray!

  3. Thank you so much for this vlog. Female problems are a #itch and make you
    feel alone and like you are going crazy. This will help so many people with
    these problems.

  4. K first off LOVE the sweater, necklace, and makeup! And this video along
    with your supplement vid is motivating me to start checking out healthier
    natural alternatives. The older I get the more my body demands that I take
    care of it and frequently eating healthy just doesn’t seem to cut it.
    Thanks for sharing love! 

  5. hey I noticed you mainly talked about the physical symptoms of PMS that
    these vitamins helped to fix – any idea if they help the emotional problems
    too? I get really really low before my period and then just want to eat
    junk food all the time which is what is stopping my weight loss! The rest
    of the month I work out and feel more positive but it’s like I’m under a
    dark cloud when I’m PMSing and just want to stay in bed and avoid the

  6. Hi, This was really interesting! Thanks for Sharing! I subscribed! Would
    love if you checked out my channel and maybe subscribed!

  7. Hey thanks for the video. I can’t find the woman complex vitamin where did
    u get from? Thank you.

  8. youre so cute! i never post comments on youtube..but this was really
    interesting. i just got off birth control cause it was giving me irregular
    periods so i wonder if this would help me too. also ive been trying to GAIN
    weight and no matter how much i eat and lift.. i cant seem to get above a
    certain weight! do you take both vitamins daily? and do you need to take
    both for it to balance hormones? i know youre not a doctor :p but im
    wondering what you use each of them for. thanks!

  9. Hello! Do you take both of these supplements together? As I am researching
    them, they say it causes major sex drive… Not exactly what i am looking
    for. I have been eating clean, and working out for almost 2 years and stuck
    at a weight. I do have A LOT of bloating issues, and really wanting to see
    if focusing on my hormones will help. please respond!! thank you! 

  10. what kind of meals do u eat my hormones are going crazy
    and did u take the pills while on your period i think u said u did

  11. how long did it take for u to notice everything working cuz my periods are
    the worse ever .I just go the the female complex 2 days ago

  12. Wow. This sounds similar to what I’ve been recently going through. Although
    my main concern isn’t to really lose weight it’s simply to get healthy and
    balance my hormones. I had been on and off pills since I was teen (I mean
    on or off for long lengths of time year or years) I posted to my own fb
    wall a huge post begging for help from my girl friends. 2 or 3 years ago I
    got off all meds, anxiety pills, sleep pills, antidepressants, and birth
    control. I wanted to be all natural. So for a while everything was lining
    out and doing good. No migraines, no depression and my periods were normal
    (about every 28-30 days)- that was OFF the pill.
    Last summer I started getting really crazy periods. all over the place.
    Sometimes would go 40 or 50 days without a period, so of course I was
    always paranoid of pregnancy so Constantly buying pt’s just be safe. Acne
    would be horrible! ! I’ve also always struggled with acne. I’m 26 and have
    yet to find a solution. So last fall I called my obgyn to see if something
    was wrong and she said hormone imbalance like it wasn’t a big deal. I
    refused pills several times and specifically told her I did NOT want to be
    back on meds of any kind. I told her I would hold off on birth control,
    even though I knew it worked fine in the past. Few months went by, still no
    progress. Tried maca root powder in low dose in my smoothies now and then.
    Didn’t do much. In the last year I have had at least 3 trips to my OB.
    Which we all know how that is -.-
    All my exams, paps, biopsies, blood works, and ultra sounds came back
    ‘normal’ according to my dr. So it still baffled me how everything was so
    out of whack. I am getting extremely frustrated with my dr, with my body. .
    The whole situation. Not finding any specific problem (other than possible
    hormone imbalance) and now no solution. My OB INSISTED that birth control
    was the ONLY solution. Which it has now only made things worse as I’m
    having 2 periods a month my last one last 10 days! How can I even enjoy my
    sex life or just life in general when I’m always on my effing period and i
    feel gross all the time. I have 0 labido. 0 energy. My boobs hurt, I do
    experience some bloating but not as bad as what you described.
    Sooo.. :/ I have a dr apt set up next week and I have been known to cancel
    before because I know exactly how it’s going to go. Another f*cking exam
    and tell me I need a higher dose pill. Which I didn’t even wanna be on in
    the first place but I thought it worked before so might as well work now *buzzer
    sound* wrong
    I have asked several times of natural solutions and she said she didn’t
    know any! I used to really like her and bc I moved am driving 3 hrs to my
    hometown to see her. . She is losing my respect and i question her
    intelligence and credibility and how reputable she is. She’s meaning to
    tell me she knows of NO 0 natural solution?!?! Hello lady there’s Google
    and you’re in the medical (care and health) field, and should broaden your
    horizons a bit.
    So I’m just considering cancelling and I’m gonna have to try even harder to
    find my own solution. Btw I’m trying to plan a wedding and would like to
    plan accordingly around my cycle ya know.. so I’m hoping IF I find a
    solution by summer time this will no longer be a problem.
    HELP I’m desperate

  13. Heyy vanessa! I was wondering, so you take the dong quai and female complex
    together?..even though the complex has dong quai in it? If so what strength
    of dong quai did u get ? Thanks a bunch!! I so wanna try this asap!!!

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