1. Not distinguishing between processed and unprocessed starches is grossly

    Comparing processed white bread to organic sweet potatoes is simply madness.

    Real starches from nature do not make you fat, no matter how much you eat.

    Fat makes you fat. As does processed sugars. This sounds like Paleo

  2. i love your videos. i learn so much from them. they easy to understand too.
    thanks a lot

  3. I lost 50lbs in 5 months eating raw vegetables, raw fruit, raw nuts, raw
    berries, almond milk, chicken sparingly, fish sparingly. Stayed away from
    anything that came from a cow. No candy, no bread of any kind, no cereal,
    no crackers or any other processed carbs, no soda, no dairy! Plant based
    salad dressing and regular daily life. Some days I exercised others I
    didn’t, didn’t really change my habits, just my diet. This diet not only
    cures obesity and diabetes it helps fight cancer as well. Don’t believe
    me, then try it. My vision is better, my skin is better, I no longer have
    sleep apnea, my knees no longer hurt, I haven’t been sick in years, not
    even the common cold, my bowel movements are exceptional, I no longer get
    heartburn, I no longer have blood sugar spikes from soda. I have the energy
    of a bull moose and my metabolism has been boosted.

    Results are the truth. I listen to my body and this is the diet it has
    accepted. It is what works for me and I have never been healthier.

  4. Eating starch does not cause weight gain for me. Im asian and i eat a lot
    of rice, noodles, oatmeal, etc. My bmi is 20. Sorry I disagree with you
    psyche truth.

  5. Lol my mother’s diabetes was reversed eating a whole food plant-based diet.
    She mainly ate rice, potatoes, and pasta for her main staples along with
    plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. And 5 months after starting this
    healthy lifestyle (mainly STARCH-based), her doctor took her off of her
    blood sugar medication. :). So…yeah, just sayin’.

  6. Its still surprise me just how a lot of people have no clue about Fenoboci
    Diet Plan (search on google) although many people lost tons of weight using
    it. Thanks to my personal buddy who told me about this. I have lost a ton
    of weight. 

  7. What’s with the boobs? I’m a big fan of them, but it seems a bit
    inappropriate for the content. 

  8. Please get more informed…. Nutritionfacts.org (there’s a youtube channel
    too), read The China Study, read The Starch Solution. Consuming fat with
    sugar is what makes it bad. Fat slows down the cells absorption of glucose
    which spikes your blood sugar… no fat, no spike. So Starches are good
    for you when you don’t add oils and fatty animal products to them…

  9. girl, no. there’s a huge problem here when you base the healthiness of food
    based purely on its sugar content. if you recommend a snickers bar over a
    bowl of cereal you are completely misinformed and not qualified to educate
    people. a snickers bar contains so much fat, chemicals, pus (from dairy),
    and other carcinogens, as opposed to cereal which probably contains fiber,
    vitamins, minerals, and starches (which are good!).

    also, every single one of our cells are powered by glucose. sugar is a good
    thing! humans have thrived due to plant-based carbohydrates. modern science
    has proved this, so i beg you, please educate yourself before spreading
    this crap. i recommend the starch solution by dr. mcdougall.

  10. want more info watch the 2 videos of Lustig “sugar the bitter truth” and
    “Fat Chance, fructose 2.0″

  11. What I don’t like about this video is the presenter does not understand the
    metabolic differences between glucose and fructose.
    She basically explains that all sugars are the same.
    Nothing could be further from the truth.
    Glucose in itself is not bad. Many, many people make this same mistake.
    They mistakenly believe that all sugars are metabolized the same by the
    human body.
    Glucose and fructose are very different.
    Glucose can be metabolized and used as energy by most every cell in the
    body. Glucose is not bad for you by itself.
    Fructose, on the other hand, is what causes all the metabolic problems in
    Fructose causes many serious problems such as metabolic syndrome, weight
    gain, high blood pressure, high uric acid, kidney problems, insulin
    She basically calls glucose sugar.
    Although technically true, there is a big difference between glucose and
    Sure, they are both sugars, but when you say the word “sugar” you basically
    mean the sweet sugar that gives fruit and soda it’s sweetness.
    So when you hear somebody say that bread and potatoes break down into
    sugar, they basically are ignorant of the differences between blood sugar
    and table sugar.
    Blood sugar is necessary. Table sugar causes diabetes.
    Don’t let uninformed Youtube videos mislead you.

  12. Now the real truth about carbohydrates and sugar.
    Not all sugars are bad, and we now positively know which sugars are bad for
    Fructose is the one. Not in fruits, because the fiber in the fruit slows
    absorption, and the nutrients, antioxidants, and flavenoids counteract the
    effects of fructose.
    Fructose extracted from fruits and added to foods, and high fructose corn
    syrup, which is made by people, is what is causing all the health problems.
    Dr Richard Johnson of the University of Colorado and his team of
    researchers has been studying fructose for a long time, and his animal and
    people studies prove fructose is the primary culprit in obesity, metabolic
    syndrome, high uric acid, and high blood pressure.
    Dr Johnson explains that fructose blocks Leptin, a chemical that tells you
    to stop eating. He also explains how animals in the wild will eat fructose
    to gain weight to prepare for hibernation and and migration.
    So don’t let anybody tell you that eating a snickers bar is better for you
    than eating a potato. If you eat a potato, the glucose is absorbed
    quickly, but it can be used by most any cell in the body for energy.
    If you eat a snickers bar, the fructose will cause your system to switch
    over to fat storage, and cause you to eat more if you keep eating more and
    more table sugar.
    If you eat just one snickers bar you might be ok, but if you are like me,
    and don’t eat a lot of sugar, the candy bar may make you hyper and feeling
    good for a while, but then it will make you sick. That’s your body telling
    you that sugar is not good for you.
    Eating a potato never makes me feel bad. Eating a candy bar always does.

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